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JM Studio


보컬,악기,밴드,성우 녹음 전문 제작업체로써


풍부한 경험과 최고 실력을 갖춘



고객감동과 만족을 위해 

최고의 사운드를 만들어드리겠습니다.

성우 / 더빙 / 나레이션
보컬 / 악기 / 밴드 녹음



We are recording

vocals, instruments, bands

with best quality of

equipments and recording booth.

You can make your own album with professional directos guildance.


앨범 제작




We will make your album the best music ever in the world !

성우 / ARS / 나레이션



We are recording

dubbing (TV, films), ARS etc,

having your voices more special.

믹싱 / 마스터링 / 튠



We make your souds amazing

with high qualitiy of

mixing & mastering process.

You can find totally different sounds!

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